Android to own several advantages compared to other OS including: Internet Based Gadget! Ease of internet is on android. Start browsing with zooming function, auto rotate screen, gtalk, gmail integration, google maps, live streaming yotube in your phone, facebook application for android, etc. Internet principally oriented Greatest!!!...
And Now one that makes this interesting is the android eaziest add berbagao kinds of 3rd party applications .. thousands of applications ready to be downloaded to your android! Well, android version samsung galaxy embedded in this spica new version 1.5 (cupcake), no android-market integrated feature to download the application directly to the Android Phone. To overcome this, we can download the application files had the extension. APK to computer / PC and then transferred to the microSD card, and live install from microSD.
How do I intall the application. APK from memory card? do the following:
1. Donlod slideme first application (for non-official android market open). Open the following url in default browser Spica:
2. After slideme installed, open the application slideme. Then search for the file manager on the Android open the SD card. (Use Recomended AndExplorer)
3. After AndExplorer installed, to install the APK from the SD card live from the window just click AndExplorer. Applications can be download APK File on a PC, a new transfer to SD card
4. Start looking for Android applications that have a. .APK
Android memeliki beberapa keunggulan di bandingkan SO yang lain di antaranya : Internet Based Gadget! Kemudahan berinternet ada di android.. mulai browsing dengan fungsi zooming, auto rotate screen, gtalk, gmail terintegrasi, google map, streaming yotube langsung di hp, facebook-an dari aplikasi facebook for android, dll.. pokoknya internet oriented bangget!
Btw, salah satu yang bikin si android ini menarik adalah kemudahaanya menambah berbagao macam aplikasi 3rd party.. beribu aplikasi siap didownload ke android anda! Nah, versi android yang tertanam di samsung galaxy spica ini baru yang versi 1.5 (cupcake), belum ada fitur android-market terintegrasi untuk mendownload aplikasi langsung ke hp. Untuk mengatasinya, kita bisa mendownload file aplikasi yang ber-ekstensi .apk ke komputer/PC baru kemudian ditransfer ke microSD card, dan tinggal install dari microSD.
Bagaimana cara intall aplikasi .apk dari memory card? caranya sbb :
1. Donlod dulu aplikasi slideme (untuk buka market android non resmi). Buka url berikut di browser bawaan Spica :
2. Setelah slideme terinstall, buka aplikasi slideme. Kemudia search aplikasi file manager buat buka SD card di Android. ( Ane pake AndExplorer )
3. Setelah AndExplorer terinstall, untuk install apk dari SD card tinggal klik aja dari jendela AndExplorer. Aplikasi APK bisa di-donlod lebih dulu di PC, baru transfer ke SD card
4. Mulailah mencari Aplikasi Android yang berekstensi .apk
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